Written by Admin
Friday, 07 April 2006
Leading pyramid experts from Egypt will visit the archaeological site in Visoko in May and August this year at the invitation by the “Archaeological Park: the Bosnian Pyramid of Sun” Foundation.
Head of the Egyptian Archaeology Department at the Ain Shems University PhD Shafia Bedir and PhD Ali Abdallah Berekat will visit BiH.
They will spend four weeks working with their BiH colleagues at the site of the Bosnian Pyramid of Sun in an effort to confirm scientific results.
“We are very pleased with the results of talks held with our Egyptian colleagues. Egypt is famous for its pyramids. They have acted as true gentlemen in deciding to take part in the international verification of our research”, Foundation Steering Board member Senad Hodovic said.
I've read an interesting article on
about the corners of the pyramid. It would be an easy way to proof
quickly the existence, but they dig near the corners but not the
corners. Then they've dug something on the top of it, but not the
top!? I've seen some pictures on that really let me think again about
this whole thing. Every day I believe less in this mystery.